German Jordanian University
The German-Jordanian University (GJU) is a public university located in Mushaqar. It was founded in 2005 by a Royal Decree, in accordance with a memorandum of understanding reached between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany. The University was modelled on the German applied-sciences model, characterized by their focus on putting knowledge into practice and on promoting knowledge transfer. We aim to play a significant role in promoting links between Jordan and Europe, particularly Germany. By taking advantage of the best educational practices in both Jordan and Germany, the University has positioned itself as a leader in its field. The University's focus is on providing undergraduate and graduate programs of the highest quality. We offer over 20 programs, with a student body of around 5,000, drawn predominantly from Jordan, but also including international students. We take pride in our student-centered environment for learning and believe that quality education is founded upon close associations between faculty and students.
Dr. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli
Contact Person
Muna Hindiyeh
Nouf Alheyari
Eng. Haneen Saadeh



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Get in Touch

Telephone: (962)6 535-50-00

Amman, Jordan